
My future job

Hi, today I will talk about the work that I would like to have in the future. I think this is a difficult topic to write because I don't usually think about what will happen in the future, I just open up to what happens, but thinking I would like a job that is related to my carrer. I would like to study pedagogy after finishing this degree, after that, apply what I learned and do classes and at the same time, paint my things and sell them if I can. Sometimes I think I would also like to learned more about muralism and work on it, travel the world and know many places and cultures. If I travel the world I feel that I learn a lot and can reflect all that in my artistic process. Over time I think that my wishes about my work will change but I will always look for something to grow. I think that the work that I would like, would be one that did what I liked and could live from that, but over time we will see what I will really do with the tools that I have learned in these years,


When I was little I had many animals, but today I have only one, his name is Mamón. I don't like this name, but my brother named him. First I found this cat in the street in the night. I was walking with my dad near my house and suddenly we hear a meow, but we didn't know where. The meow came from a kindergarten. My dad and I go in and take them out because they were abandoned. Then we took the three cats to the house, but we only stayed with one. He is three years old, is very fat and it has three different colors: white, brown and orange, I don't know what type is my cat, I think is a regular cat, with not special type. My relation with him is very special, but I don't mean special in the good way, I think our relation is very atypical, one day we love each other and another day we hate each other. One day we slept together and the next day we don't see each other, but so we are. Finally I think our relation is unique.

best holidays: Europe

This year I had my best vacations. In the winter holidays, I went to Europe with a friend. First I went to Spain alone because she was living there for six months, and in Barcelona we met. I went to all important places in Barcelona like museums, Sagrada familia, Park guel, and more places. Then we went to Switzerland for two days and we stay in Ginebra, but not in the center, we stay with a family outside the city, near the house there was a lake, if I'm not mistaken, it is the largest lake in Switzerland. After that we went to Amsterdam, in this place we only went to museums, The Van Gogh museum and The Rijksmuseum, this country was very nice, there were many bicycles and everything was very clean, I think in this country there were more bicycles than people and finally we went to Paris, there we met many places and ate very delicious food. And I forgot I also went to Budapest, there I sailed on the Danube river. 

A country I'd like to visit : Italy

When I was a little I visited many places with my family, but no cities outside the country. This year I was lucky to travel for Europa but the time I had it was short, for this reason I couldn't go to Italy. Many things interest me in this country, the cities that I would like to know are Venice, Rome and Florencia. First I would like to go to Venice to know the architecture because some friends told me it's a maze, the streets are very narrow and is very easy to get lost, then in Rome I would like to know the ruins and important constructions like the Coliseum and finally in Florencia, the people told me that it's a beautiful city, that there many things to do, for example there is a square called Piazza della Signoria, this place has many scupltures in the streets, there is my favorite sculpture called The Rape of the Sabine Women. I think I would like to do anything, work, live and study.